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The Gathering of One
Gods Original Intent
Author: Bobby G McAllister, Jim Parks
Narrator: Rich Germaine
Unabridged: 7 hr 18 min
Format: Digital Audiobook Download
Publisher: Bobby G McAllister
Published: 07/14/2011
Categories: Nonfiction, Body, Mind, & Spirit, Religion, Christian Living, Spiritual Growth
The ORIGINAL PURPOSE OF GOD WAS A COOPERATE PURPOSE that involved all living being that was made in the image of God. Now that Christ has come and caused us to re-enter the garden, we must rediscover the original purpose and walk it out. We have been allowed to enter into the presence of the Lord without fear because of the finished work of Christ. We must be able to hear HIS VOICE and be gathered into His Fellowship as Adam had before the fall; however there must be a Real shift in what we do in God today, it must be real, because there is a REAL SOUND in the land. It is a sound of Victory, a sound Triumph, a sound of Zion; it is the sound of the Lord. CAN YOU HERE THE SOUND?The voice of the Lord is speaking loudly to all that have an ear to hear. The resounding sound of the words, if you will continue in my word you shall be my disciple, and You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free, and who so ever the son make free is free indeed. (Indeed implies that nothing or no one can bind them again). This voice speaks of absolute freedom. John 8:31-32, 36The original purpose must find its originality in the original source, THE CREATOR. There is no war with who believe this, it is true if nobody believes it, unbelief does not change God and it will not stop His purpose.