Perelandra, C. S. Lewis
Perelandra, C. S. Lewis
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Libro 2 de La trilogía cósmica

Author: C. S. Lewis

Narrator: Pepe Mendoza

Unabridged: 11 hr 31 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Publisher: Grupo Nelson

Published: 05/03/2022


Perelandra, la segunda novela de la trilogía de ciencia ficción de Lewis, narra el viaje del Dr. Ransom al planeta paradisíaco de Perelandra, o Venus, que resulta ser un hermoso mundo parecido al Edén. Se horroriza al descubrir que su viejo enemigo, el Dr. Weston, también ha llegado y lo pone en grave peligro una vez más. Mientras el cuerpo del loco Weston es tomado por las fuerzas del mal, Ransom emprende una lucha desesperada para salvar la inocencia de Perelandra.PerelandraPerelandra, the second novel in Lewis's science fiction trilogy, tells of Dr. Ransom's voyage to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus, which turns out to be a beautiful Eden-like world. He is horrified to find that his old enemy, Dr. Weston, has also arrived and is putting him in grave peril once more. As the mad Weston's body is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom engages in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of Perelandra.

Author Bio

It is a lofty goal, but many would be pleased if the work they accomplished would last well after their death, and be lauded with posthumous praise. Such is what happened to British author Clive Staples Lewis. He was born on November 29, 1898 and passed on November 22, 1963...... just prior to his 65th birthday. It was 2013 on the 50th Anniversary of Lewis' death, that he was honored by being given a memorial in Poet's Corner in West minister Abbey.

Lewis wore many professional hats......that of novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer, and Christian apologist. His best known work is The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, and The Space Trilogy. He is the author of more than 30 books, translated into over 30 languages. As we are all aware, The Chronicles of Narnia had tremendous sales numbers and have been made popular on stage, TV, radio, and cinema.

Lewis married American author, Joy Davidman, in 1956, but sadly, she passed away only four years later from cancer at only 45 years old. Lewis then died in 1963 of renal failure.
