El Gran Divorcio, C. S. Lewis
El Gran Divorcio, C. S. Lewis
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El Gran Divorcio
Un Sueño

Author: C. S. Lewis

Narrator: Cris Cisneros

Unabridged: 5 hr 30 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Publisher: Grupo Nelson

Published: 11/28/2023


Un fantástico viaje entre el Cielo y el Infierno En El Gran Divorcio, C. S. Lewis de nuevo utiliza su formidable talento para contar fábulas y alegorías. En un sueño, el escritor se sube a un autobús una tarde lloviznosa y se embarca en un increíble viaje por el Cielo y el Infierno. Este es el punto de partida para la profunda meditación sobre el bien y el mal. "Si insistimos en quedarnos con el Infierno (o incluso la Tierra) no veremos el Cielo: si aceptamos al Cielo no podremos quedarnos ni siquiera con el más pequeño e íntimo souvenir del Infierno." In The Great Divorce C.S. Lewis again employs his formidable talent for fable and allegory. The writer, in a dream, finds himself in a bus which travels between Hell and Heaven. This is the starting point for an extraordinary meditation upon good and evil which takes issue with William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. In Lewis’s own words, ‘If we insist on keeping Hell (or even earth) we shall not see Heaven: if we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell.’ “I think it is unlikely that if other books as generally entertaining ... appear this year, they will be as generally instructive.” W.H. Auden, Saturday ReviewThe Great DivorceIn The Great Divorce C.S. Lewis again employs his formidable talent for fable and allegory. The writer, in a dream, finds himself in a bus which travels between Hell and Heaven. This is the starting point for an extraordinary meditation upon good and evil which takes issue with William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. In Lewis’s own words, ‘If we insist on keeping Hell (or even earth) we shall not see Heaven: if we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell.’ “I think it is unlikely that if other books as generally entertaining ... appear this year, they will be as generally instructive.” W.H. Auden, Saturday Review

Author Bio

It is a lofty goal, but many would be pleased if the work they accomplished would last well after their death, and be lauded with posthumous praise. Such is what happened to British author Clive Staples Lewis. He was born on November 29, 1898 and passed on November 22, 1963...... just prior to his 65th birthday. It was 2013 on the 50th Anniversary of Lewis' death, that he was honored by being given a memorial in Poet's Corner in West minister Abbey.

Lewis wore many professional hats......that of novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer, and Christian apologist. His best known work is The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, and The Space Trilogy. He is the author of more than 30 books, translated into over 30 languages. As we are all aware, The Chronicles of Narnia had tremendous sales numbers and have been made popular on stage, TV, radio, and cinema.

Lewis married American author, Joy Davidman, in 1956, but sadly, she passed away only four years later from cancer at only 45 years old. Lewis then died in 1963 of renal failure.
