Angry With God, Scott Frazer
Angry With God, Scott Frazer
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Angry With God
Understanding the Rules of Earth Life

Author: Scott Frazer

Narrator: Scott Frazer

Unabridged: 6 hr 3 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 02/27/2020


There are many people in the world who have been angry at God at some time in their lives. Whether due to loved ones who passed away before their time, personal crises that God did not resolve, or horrific world events, many religious faithful have questioned God's decision to not use his power to help them.By observing Earth's history and its natural laws, we can better understand the rules inherent in the blueprint of Earth. Once we comprehend the basic rules of our mortal probation, we can then see how God must allow his children to suffer the consequences of their decisions. Miracles and other answers to prayers must be limited to allow the Earth to remain a place of faith and learning.
