More Audiobooks Come to the Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet with New AudiobooksNow App
AudiobooksNow launches app for the Barnes & Noble Nook HD and Nook Color.
Vienna, VA (PRNewswire) June 26, 2013 - AudiobooksNow has just launched an app for the Barnes & Noble Nook line of tablets. Finally Nook owners can purchase and listen to thousands of audiobooks on their Nook tablet. With very few options for audiobook listeners on the Nook, AudiobooksNow has responded with its feature rich audiobook app.
"Our new Nook app does it all," said Doug Ross, President and CEO. Users can browse AudiobooksNow's growing selection of over 15,000 titles and even make purchases directly through the app. "Our Nook app will finally make it simple and convenient for users to purchase, download, and listen to premium audiobook content at discounted prices," Ross said.
AudiobooksNow saw an opportunity when Nook recently launched its in-app purchases service. The Nook has partnered with Fortumo, a leading mobile-payment provider to bring in-app purchases to the Nook. This functionality makes it convenient for users to make purchases of audiobooks directly through the app. "Without in-app purchases, a user would have to make purchases on the website, and then use the app to manage those purchases," said Ross.
Nook users are devoted readers, but not everyone has use of their hands or eyes at times. Audiobooks allow people who enjoy a good book the ability to listen to books while doing chores like ironing, folding laundry, or knitting. Even commuting to work or going on a long road trip is a perfect time for an audiobook. Others may have poor eye sight or tired eyes after a long day at work.
The new AudiobooksNow Nook app is compatible with the Nook Color, and Nook HD line of tablets. Users can simply search for the word "audiobooks" or "audiobooksnow" in the "Shop" section for their Nook. Once installed, users will have instant access to over 15,000 titles from such authors as James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Stephen King, David Baldacci, Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich, Nicholas Sparks, Michael Connelly, and Harlan Coben. AudiobooksNow will be adding the content of four major audiobook publishers in the immediate future, expanding their selection to nearly 30,000 titles.
Audiobooks purchased on the Nook can also be streamed from the AudiobooksNow website. Because most of AudiobooksNow's content is DRM-free, the ability to download purchased audiobooks directly from the website will be made available in early July. DRM-free content can be downloaded and transferred to any compatible computer or device for personal use. Any titles that require DRM (digital rights management) can be downloaded to devices like the Nook, but can only be streamed from the website, not downloaded.