Origen, Dan Brown
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Author: Dan Brown

Unabridged: 19 hr 25 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 10/16/2018


Quienquiera que seas.
Creas lo que creas.
Todo está a punto de cambiar.
La asombrosa y sorprendente nueva novela de autor de suspense más popular del mundo.

Bilbao, España

Robert Langdon, profesor de simbología e iconografía religiosa de Harvard, llega al ultramoderno Museo Guggenheim Bilbao para presenciar un importante anuncio —la revelación de un descubrimiento que “cambiará la historia de la ciencia para siempre”. El anfitrión del evento esa noche es Edmond Kirsch, un billonario y futurista de cuarenta años cuyos deslumbrantes inventos tecnológicos y audaces predicciones lo han convertido en una figura de renombre a nivel mundial. Kirsch, quien hace dos décadas fue uno de los primeros alumnos de Langdon en Harvard, está a punto de revelar un asombroso hallazgo... que dará la respuesta a dos preguntas fundamentales de la existencia humana.

Tras el comienzo del evento, Langdon y cientos de invitados se encuentran cautivados por una presentación totalmente original, que  —Langdon luego comprenderá— será mucho más polémica de lo que jamás se imaginó. Pero la función, que ha sido meticulosamente orquestada, de pronto irrumpe en caos y el valioso descubrimiento de Kirsch está al borde de ser perdido para siempre. Frente a una inminente amenaza, Langdon se ve obligado a escapar desesperadamente de Bilbao. A su lado está Ambra Vidal, la elegante directora del museo que trabajó con Kirsch en la organización del provocativo evento. Juntos huyen a Barcelona y emprenden la peligrosa búsqueda de la clave encriptada que revelará el secreto de Kirsch.

A través de los oscuros pasillos de la historia oculta y la religión extrema, Langdon y Vidal deben eludir a un atormentado enemigo cuyo interminable poder parece emanar del propio Palacio Real de España... No se detendrá ante nada para silenciar a Edmond Kirsch. En un recorrido marcado por el arte moderno y los símbolos enigmáticos, Langdon y Vidal descubrirán pistas que finalmente los pondrán cara a cara con el sorprendente descubrimiento de Kirsch... y la asombrosa verdad que nos ha eludido a todos desde hace mucho tiempo.
Origen es la novela más brillante y entretenida de Dan Brown hasta la fecha. 


A #1 New York Times Bestseller from the author of The Da Vinci Code.
Robert Langdon, Harvard professor of symbology, arrives at the ultramodern Guggenheim Museum Bilbao to attend the unveiling of a discovery that “will change the face of science forever.” The evening’s host is Edmond Kirsch, a forty-year-old billionaire and futurist, and one of Langdon’s first students.

But the meticulously orchestrated evening suddenly erupts into chaos, and Kirsch’s precious discovery teeters on the brink of being lost forever. Facing an imminent threat, Langdon is forced to flee. With him is Ambra Vidal, the elegant museum director who worked with Kirsch. They travel to Barcelona on a perilous quest to locate a cryptic password that will unlock Kirsch’s secret.

Navigating the dark corridors of hidden history and extreme re­ligion, Langdon and Vidal must evade an enemy whose all-knowing power seems to emanate from Spain’s Royal Palace. They uncover clues that ultimately bring them face-to-face with Kirsch’s shocking discovery…and the breathtaking truth that has long eluded us.

Author Bio

New Hampshire born author, Dan Brown, is most famous for his tremendously successful novel, The Da Vinci Code. He relates the treasure hunt sort of story within a 24-hour period of time, using themes of keys, symbols, codes, cryptography, and conspiracy theories. They also many times feature historical themes and controversial Christianity motifs. His parents involved their children in the family dynamics of using codes, cyphers, crossword puzzles, and treasure hunts to tie together math, music, and languages. Brown's growing up years gave an excellent base for his future writings.

Brown was inspired to be a writer of thrillers after reading Sidney Sheldon's novel The Doomsday Conspiracy. He became a full-time writer in 1996. Angels and Demons was his second book published and was the first novel to include the lead character, Robert Langdon. His first few novels had very little success, but the fourth novel, The Da Vinci Code proved to be one of the most popular books of all time. With that success, his first three books also became very well received with all four novels being listed on the New York Times best sellers list at one time! The next novel, The Lost Symbol, sold over 1,000,000 copies its first day.

Since Brown's books are heavily researched, it would sometimes take two years to finish a novel. In 2006 The Da Vinci Code and Inferno were adapted to screenplays, and were very controversial. Brown has stated that he has potentially twelve books in line for the future.
