Medical Tourism  Surgery for Sale! ..., Janet Bristeir
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Medical Tourism - Surgery for Sale!: How to Have Surgery Abroad Without It Costing Your Life

Narrator: Janet Bristeir

Abridged: 2 hr 38 min

Format: Digital Audiobook Download

Published: 07/18/2019


When people speak of Medical Tourism, they are usually discussing the practice of going outside of the country they live and paying for a surgical procedure to be performed. When thinking of planning surgery abroad, what you don't know CAN hurt you.

You want to get a good deal and the highest quality care. You're fearful and overwhelmed by all the choices you must make. You want to make the process to be seamless and stress-free. In this cutting-edge book, you will learn critical information that will make the difference between glowing and dismal results, plus fifty questions you’ll want to be answered before you decide to go.
